The Self Evaluation document is created by representatives from all college constituents: faculty, classified staff, administrators, and students. Starting in Spring 2013, volunteers for each Standard met to organize their approach to the components of each standard. Over Summer and Fall 2013, they conducted research, worked with their committee members to draft their sections for each standard, and completed a first draft by the beginning of December. In Spring 2014, in consultation with the Self Evaluation Chair, Standard Committees reviewed and revised their first drafts and complete their second drafts in May. During Fall 2014, Standard Committee members updated and refined the final draft.
All Standard Committee members deserve deep appreciation and gratitude from the College community for their intensive work on this project.
Sonoma County Junior College District Accreditation Steering Committee
Accreditation Steering CommitteeName | Title | Role on Accreditation Steering Committee | |
Frank Chong | Superintendent/President | Administration Representative | |
Wanda Burzycki | Faculty, College Skills | Steering Committee Faculty Co-Chair | |
Rick Call | SRJC Board of Trustees | Board Trustee | |
Robin Fautley | Faculty, Life Sciences | President, Academic Senate | |
Karen Furukawa | VP, Human Resources | Administration Representative | |
KC Greaney | Director of Institutional Research | Administration Representative | |
Hilleary Izard | Coordinator, Student Engagement Programs & SEIU Chapter President | Designate, SEIU Local 1021 | |
Ricardo Navarrette | VP, Student Services | Administration Representative | |
Omar Paz | President, Assoc. Students | Associated Students Representative | |
Doug Roberts | VP, Business Services | Administration Representative | |
Mary Kay Rudolph | VP, Academic Affairs | Accreditation Liaison Officer | |
Jane Saldana-Talley | VP, Petaluma Campus | Administration Representative | |
Julie Thompson | Faculty, English | President, All Faculty Association (AFA) | |
Debbie Weatherly | Accounting | President, Classified Senate | |
Accreditation Standards Committees
Standard 1 Accreditation Administrative Liaison TableAdministrative Liaison: | Jane Saldana-Talley | VP Petaluma Campus | Management |
Co-Chair: | Lauren Servais | English | Faculty |
| Vincent Hamilton | Counseling | Faculty |
Committee Members: | Peg Saragina | Business Administration | Faculty |
| Ann Foster | English | Faculty |
| Robert Ethington | Student Affairs | Faculty |
| Brian Phifer | Student Affairs | Management |
| Eve Nighswonger | CTE | Management |
| Melissa Kort | English | Faculty |
| Tony Graziani | Life Sciences | Faculty |
| Mike Roth | IT | Classified |
A. Instructional Programs
Standard 2.A Accreditation Administrative Liaison TableAdministrative Liaison: | Kris Abrahamson | Dean, Liberal Arts | Management |
Co-Chair: | Dean Gooch | Mathematics | Faculty |
Committee Members: | Lisa Beach | Distance Ed/Comp Studies | Faculty |
| Laura Vallejo | Child Development | Faculty |
| Andrea Alvarado | Counseling | Faculty |
| Bic DoVan | Mathematics | Faculty |
| Elona Russell | Music | Classified |
| Deborah Chigazola | Health Sciences | Management |
| Art Hsieh | Public Safety/EMC | Faculty |
| Cindy Avenell | ESL | Faculty |
| Nancy Persons | Dean, Petaluma | Management |
| Nancy Thomas | Health Sciences | Faculty |
| Sherry Forkum | English | Faculty |
| Nick Lawrence | Child Development | Management |
| Victor Cummings | Language Arts | Management |
| Cecilia Roy | College Skills | Faculty |
| Anna Valdez | Health Sciences | Management |
| Susan Wilson | Life Sciences | Faculty |
B. Student Support Services
Standard 2.B Accreditation Administrative Liaison TableAdministrative Liaison: | Ricardo Navarrette | VP Student Services | Management |
Co-Chair: | Nancy Chinn | DRD | Faculty |
| Lily Hunnemeder-Bergfelt | CalWORKs | Management |
Committee Members: | Sharien Hinton | DRD | Faculty |
| Jill Hunter | Institutional Research | Classified |
| Erica Crowell Altobelli | Behavioral Science | Faculty |
| Freyja Pereira | A&R | Management |
| John Eberly | Child Development | Faculty |
| Rachael Cutcher | Scholarship | Management |
| Catherine Williams | DRD | Faculty |
C. Library and Learning Support Services
Standard 2.C Accreditation Administrative Liaison TableAdministrative Liaison: | Cherry Li-Bugg | Dean, Learning Resources | Management |
Co-Chair: | Micca Gray | Learning Resources | Faculty |
| Anne O'Toole | Media Services | Classified |
| Jorge DaCosta | Learning Resources | Classified |
| Jacob Aharonian | English | Faculty |
| Phyllis Usina | Learning Resources | Faculty |
| Josh Adams | IT/Instruc. Comp. | Management |
| Norberto Quiroz | Counseling | Faculty |
| Cheryl Hanson | CSKLS | Faculty |
A. Human Resources
Standard 3.A Accreditation Administrative Liaison TableAdministrative Liaison: | Karen Furukawa | VP Human Resources | Management |
Co-Chair: | Sarah Hopkins | Human Resources | Management |
Committee Members: | Geoff Navarro | Counseling | Faculty |
| Sharon Okada | Health Sciences | Faculty |
| Beverly Henningsen | Work Experience | Faculty |
| Diana Rangaves | Health Sciences | Faculty |
| Jo Ann Olsen | Disability Resources | Classified |
| Cathy Wilson | Dean, Instruction | Management |
| Beatriz Camargo | HSE Program | Classified |
B. Physical Resources
Standard 3.B Accreditation Administrative Liaison TableAdministrative Liaison: | Tony Ichsan | Dean, Facilities/Ops | Management |
Co-Chair: | Anna Felciano | Facilities/Ops | Classified |
| Doug Kuula | Environ. Health & Safety | Management |
Committee Members: | Kirsten Swinstrom | Life Sciences | Faculty |
| Patrick Ekoue-totou | IT | Management |
| Chris Wills | Ag/NRM | Management |
| Carl Dobson | Facilities/Ops | Management |
| Mark Ferguson | Mathematics | Faculty |
| April Chapman | Dean, Public Safety | Management |
| Vanessa Spaeth | District Police | Classified |
C. Technology Resources
Standard 3.C Accreditation Administrative Liaison TableAdministrative Liaison: | Scott Conrad | Director, IT | Management |
Co-Chair: | Ying Lin | Mathematics | Faculty |
| Tad Wakefield | English | Faculty |
Committee Members: | Jeff Diamond | Computer Studies | Faculty |
| Salvador Diaz | Social Sciences | Faculty |
| Josh Adams | IT | Management |
| Don Webb | IT | Management |
| Marshall McGowan | IT/Instructional Computing | Classified |
| Russ Bowden | Media Services | Management |
| Carolyn Massell | Computer Studies | Faculty |
| Alison Baker | Social Sciences | Faculty |
| Kathleen Kearney | Contract Ed | Management |
| Paul Bielen | Facilities/Ops | Management |
| Alex Drake | IT | Classified |
D. Financial Resources
Standard 3.D Accreditation Administrative Liaison TableAdministrative Liaison: | Doug Roberts | VP Business Services | Management |
Co-Chair: | Kate Jolley | Business Services | Management |
| Morris Hamm | BAD | Faculty |
Committee Members: | Hilleary Izard | Student Affairs | Classified |
| Randy Collins | Public Safety/Fire Tech | Management |
| Deirdre Frontczak | Philosophy | Faculty |
| Jerry Miller | Dean, B&PS | Management |
| Lisa Hotchkiss | Payroll | Classified |
| Lisa Perkins | DRD | Classified |
| Anne DeClouette | Dean, Business & Professional Studies | Management |
Standard 4 Accreditation Administrative Liaison TableAdministrative Liaison: | Mary Kay Rudolph | VP Academic Affairs | Management |
Co-Chair: | Julie Thompson | English | Faculty |
Committee Members: | Abe Farkas | Dean, Curriculum | Management |
| Sahara Chaldean | Student Affairs | Classified |
| Paulette Bell | Computer Studies | Faculty |
| Cliff Norton | Industrial/Trade Tech | Faculty |
| Alicia Virtue | Learning Resources | Faculty |
| Alicia Artz | CTE | Classified |
| Debbie Weatherly | Accounting | Classified |
| Carol Hatrick | Health Sciences | Faculty |
| Ganesan Srinivasan | Dean, Ag/NR | Management |
| Stephen Lewis | Dean, STEM | Management |