Standards and Committee Membership

The College formed an Accreditation Steering Committee (ASC), co-chaired by the Vice President of Academic Affairs/Assistant Superintendent/Accreditation Liaison Officer and the Faculty Co-Chair for Accreditation.  ASC membership included the Superintendent/President, vice presidents, faculty leaders from the Academic Senate and faculty union, classified professional leaders from the Classified Senate and classified union, the leader of Associated Student Government, and other administrators identified as the experts/specialists from various sites or areas deemed important to the process, including Institutional Research and Public Relations. Each Standards Committee, was designed to include at least one administrator and one faculty member serving as co-chairs, and one classified staff member. Student participants were included as they were available. Calls for volunteers were made via email announcements to recruit a wide variety of participants to assist in the self -evaluation process and employees were encouraged to consider joining one or more subcommittees.

Accreditation Steering Committee Membership
  • Frank Chong, Superintendent/President
  • Jessica Russell, Faculty Co-Chair
  • Julie Thompson, President, Academic Senate Sarah Hopkins, Vice President, Human Resources (Interim)
  • Gene Durand, Vice President, Human Resources
  • Jeremy Smotherman, Senior Director, Institutional Effectiveness Research and Planning
  • Sandy Sigala, SEIU Local 1021, Chapter President
  • Pedro Avila, Vice President, Student Services/Assistant Superintendent 
  • Delashay Carmona Benson, President, Student Government Assembly
  • Kate Jolley, Vice President, Finance and Administrative Services
  • L Jane Saldana-Talley, Vice President, Academic Affairs, Accreditation Liaison Officer
  • Matthew Long, Executive Dean, Petaluma Campus
  • Sean Martin, President, All Faculty Association
  • Debbie Weatherly, President, Classified Senate
  • Erin Bricker, Director, District and Community Relations
Standards Committees Leadership and Members




Standard I: Institutional Mission and Effectiveness

L Jane Saldana-Talley
Matthew Murray

Michele Larkey

Tony Graziani

Brenda Dixon

Standard IIA: Student Learning Programs and Services - Instructional Programs 

Josh Adams
Anne-Marie Donegan

Adrienne Leihy

Lisa Stagnoli

Colette Bizal

Bita Bookman

Emily A Schmidt

Eric Thompson

Lisa Beach

Victor Tam



Standard IIB: Student Learning Programs and Services - Library and Learning Support Services

Phyllis Usina
Mary-Catherine Oxford
Kyla Wegman

Lena Ryberg

Rebecca Stoddard

Katrina Smith

Sheila Cunningham

Canon Crawford

Erin Daniels

Amy Roscielle  Flores

Standard IIC: Student Learning Programs and Services - Student Support Services

Pedro Avila
Andrea Alvarado

Ann Mansfield

Mitch Leahy

Nick Hill

Jessica Paisley

Jennifer Carranza Pineda

Laura Ainsworth

Hector Delgado

Rebecca Norwick

Robert Ethington

Michelle Vidaurri

Vayta Smith

Denise Cooper

Miranda Huntsinger

Felix Santiago

Li Collier

Standard IIIA: Resources - Human Resources

Sarah Hopkins
K. Frindell-Teuscher

Jamie Longnecker

Filomena Avila

Sarah Whylly

Lauralyn Larsen

Brad Davis

Catherine Prince

Tammy Sakanashi

Stephanie Jarrett

Ally Lubas

Standard IIIB: Resources - Physical Resources 

Serafin Fernandez
Laura Sparks

Matt Markovich

Robert Brownlee

Hank Lankford

Robin Andersen

Phyllis Usina

 (Spring 21)


Standard IIIC: Resources - Technology Resources

Kevin Snyder
Sujan Sarkar

Marshall McGowan

Joseph Owen

Dennis O'Flaherty

Kat Slusser

Devanshi Unadkat

Michael Roth

Matt Pearson

Don Webb

Dan Exelby

Jessica Lofgren

Standard IIID: Resources - Financial Resources 

Kate Jolley
Robert Jackson

George Morris Hamm

Linda Close

Whitney Schultz

Maleese Warner

Benjamin Goldstein

Maria Banachowicz

Standard IV: Leadership and Governance

Erin Bricker
 Katie Gerber

Kathleen Matthies

Rachel Smith

Marvin Liko Puha

Leonard Wagner

Ahmed Abbas Deen

Jenn Perez

Sarah Laggos